Wednesday, 3 February 2016

100WC Week #5 By: Soccer Lover

The Drawing Challenge

"Hey Zack, what are you drawing for the drawing competition?"
"Well... I think I'm going to draw firefighters with wings, saving a lady from a burning building, and people are all going to be watching?"
"Wow! We know who has a 'strange imagination'." Smith said snarkily.
"Hey!" Snapped Zack, "It'll look better then yours Smith."
"At least mine will be more realistic then yours." Zack proclaimed.
"May the best man win!"
Time passed and finally they entered their drawings into the contest. Zack ended up winning with his flying firefighters, saving a women from a burning house drawing.
"Maybe strange is good." Smith mumbled.


  1. I really like how you included the picture promt into your story! It has a lot of different descriptive language that is really good. Although you missed a capital on the word "we" in the fourth line.

  2. Your story was great, I really enjoyed it. I think its really "out of the box"
    As Tinkerbell said, you are missing a capital on the 4th line.
    If you are making Smith snarky maybe put qotiations on different: "different" imagineation.
    I really think your story has a differnt side of our picture this week, it has a great uniqueness.

  3. Your story it very good, and I think you had a very creative idea. However, I noticed that you changed the spelling of "Zack" in the middle of your story, other than that great story.

  4. I thought that it had a very creative idea to the story. At some parts it kinda confused me. But it was funny as well as good.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A great take on this weeks prompt. Great attention paid to punctuation. The dialogue really shows the bantering back and forth between your two characters and is very well written. Keep up the creative writing.

  7. I like your story, but in the whole story you told us twice what the picture is about, it took over most of the story.
